Monday, June 1, 2009


Alright so it's been quite a while since I last posted. Between a couple early internet problems and the my parents coming to visit for two weeks I never got around to making an entry. 

I guess I'll start by catching everybody up on the basketball. May was a very good month for the Lightning and myself. We didn't lose in the month of May capped off by a three point win against the 2nd placed Geraldton Bucs who also are the only team to defeat us so far this year. It was a very good feeling to get a little revenge. However, if things continue to go as they are, then I got a good feeling that we'll see them again in the playoffs at some stage. Personally, I feel like I had a very productive month as well. I'm still very pleased with how I am playing but also want to continue to play even better. With a little bit of bad news, in that game against Geraldton I sprained my ankle early in the second half and was slowed up a bit the rest of the game. It's not terrible but enough to swell up a decent amount and start to develop some slight color. With a pretty heavy load of treatment I'm pretty confident I'll be ready to go full speed for our game this Friday. Currently, the Lakeside Lightning sit atop the table with a record of 15-1 and a 12 game winning streak. 

As I mentioned Mom and Dad made the long trip from South Carolina to Perth to visit for two weeks. It was great to see them and had a lot of fun in the meantime. I saw more of Perth and surrounding areas with them in those two weeks than I probably had seen my whole time here. That's ok tho because I definitely can get around the city with no problem after all the driving I did with them. They chose not to rent a car for the first week and a half so it was all three of us in my tiny car. Right before they left we had an opportunity to travel several hours south of Perth to an area called Margaret River. This was the first chance that even I have had to go anywhere outside of the greater Perth area (other than two bball game roadtrips). Traveling down south was an opportunity to experience a landscape and environment that maybe I would have considered more "Australian", or at least would have visualized sitting in my South Carolina living room. Everything was much more rural (or the bush as Australians call it). The coast line and beaches were scenic and was just different than anything I have ever experienced before. It was just very cool. It was also the first time we had seen a kangaroo. Didn't just see one either, there were tons of them in the fields along the road (also meant seeing lots of ones as roadkill). The whole trip was just very cool. Being able to experience that and explore Perth more in depth with Mom and Dad was a great time in and of itself. Yea so all that was great, but just as good was that while they were here they saw us win 4 games and me play well. I will try and get up a couple pictures from the past month up in the next couple days. 

Life is good. 

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